best lineman schools

We all know that few individuals have what it takes to become a lineman. If you are committed to scaling insane heights, working long hours, and in dangerous conditions, there's one more step to becoming a lineman. You will need to complete a training program. Apprenticeship programs are extremely competitive and have very limited availability. A way to stand out among other candidates is to attend a lineman school. There are many lineman schools around the country. If you are in the US and looking for the best lineman school, we have put together a list of a few of them for you. 

North American Lineman Training Center

There are several schools that are consistently listed as the best lineman schools to attend. One of those schools is North American Lineman Training Center. Located in Mcewen, Tennessee North American Lineman Training Center is unparalleled in its mission to provide the safest, most comprehensive training to the next generation of linemen. The curriculum is taught by highly experienced journeymen linemen, not safety officers, inside electricians nor theoretical engineers. They pride themselves on being a smaller institution where the student is engaged one-on-one, and given a more thorough hands-on experience than their competitors.

Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service

The Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service programs include Fire and Emergency Services, Infrastructure and Safety, Law Enforcement and Protective Services and Business and Cyber Solutions. They are often listed as one of the best lineman schools. The Lineworker Academy at Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) is designed to provide students a comprehensive training experience utilizing the best work methods, equipment, tools, and standards. The Academy offers classroom and hands-on field training with a real-world approach delivered by high-quality curriculum, experienced instructors, and specialized equipment and facilities. Upon completion of the Academy, students will be qualified in equipment operation and pole climbing. They will receive their Basic First Aid and CPR Certification, their OSHA 10-Hour ET&D Construction Card, and be eligible to apply for their Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). 

Northwest Lineman College

Through training, Northwest Lineman College helps thousands have safe and rewarding careers in electric power, telecommunications, and natural gas. Featured on several best lineman school lists using the Three-Phase Educational Model, Northwest Lineman College (NLC) focuses education around three domains of learning: Knowledge, Skill, and Behavior. Each academic course, skill competency, and behavior expectation is shaped by this model. You'll graduate from the Electrical Lineworker Program with these certifications: First Aid Certification, CPR Certification, Climbing Certification, Pole-top Rescue Certification, Metering Certification, Enclosed-space Rescue Certification, Aerial-lift Rescue Certification, Digger Derrick Safety, OSHA 10-hour Construction Safety and Health ET&D card. With the option to add on several other certifications and advanced courses. 

Linemen Institute of the North East

The Linemen Institute of the North East is a 500-hour pre-apprentice electrical lineman training program, L.I.N.E. is a one-stop shop for people looking to gain the essential skills needed to start a career as an apprentice lineman. Upon completion of the program participants will receive the following certifications: First Aid & CPR, OSHA 10, pole top & bucket rescue, CDL, and digger truck operations. This small school prides itself on lower student-to-instructor ratios and was founded by a 25-year lineman who worked across the country. 

Alaska Electrical Apprenticeship

The Alaska Joint Electrical Apprenticeship Training Trust offers training in several classifications of the electrical industry: Inside Wireman, Residential Wireman, Outside Power Lineman, and Telecommunications Worker (Telephone/Data). The AJEATT is dedicated to producing Alaska’s best-trained and most qualified electrical workers. Outside power lineman school consists of an initial eight-week session with two additional eight-week sessions during on-the-job training. The classes are held eight hours a day, five days a week, at the Electrical Training Centers in Anchorage and Fairbanks. There is a total of 960 hours of class-related training.

The US is home to some of the best lineman schools in the world. This list is a great starting point in your research for the best lineman school for you to attend. There are dozens of options to get your lineman career started. We at ILLUMAGEAR thank you and wish you the best of luck!

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